Showing posts with label doggie training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doggie training. Show all posts

Sunday, November 29, 2015

13 Dog Facts You Didn’t Know

The "smell" center of a dog's brain is 40 times larger than yours.

Dogs can smell thousands of times better than humans. Their noses have millions more scent receptors—for example, a human nose averages 5 million while a Dachshund's has 125 million—making them useful in sniffing out drugs, dead bodies, bed bugs, explosives, and more.
No two dog noses are the same.

No two dog noses are the same.

Courtesy of Gabriela Landazuri
A dog's nose is the equivalent of a human fingerprint, with each having a unique pattern of ridges and creases.

Dogs dream like people.

Courtesy of Adrian Varga
If you've ever noticed your pooch twitching in her sleep, this probably means she's dreaming. Researchers found that dogs have similar sleep patterns and brain activity as humans, and that small breeds tend to dream more than large ones. Psychology Today suggests they're probably imagining familiar activities like playing outside or chasing their tail.

Dogs are as smart as a two-year-old baby.

According to canine researcher and author Stanley Coren, your toddler and pup are about on par when it comes to brains. He also explained that man's best friend can count, understand over 150 words, and even trick people or other dogs to get treats. Intelligence varies based on breed—Border collies are the smartest.

Dogs only mate twice a year.

Unspayed females only go into heat twice a year, so dog breeders need to plan carefully.

Tail wagging has its own language.

If your dog excitedly wags their tail, it means they're happy to see you, right? Not necessarily. According to, dogs wag their tails to the right when they're happy and to the left when they're frightened. Wagging low means they're insecure; and rapid tail wagging accompanied by tense muscles or dilated pupils can signal aggression.

Puppies are born blind and deaf.

Newborn dogs are still developing, according to Psychology Today, so their ear canals and eyes are still closed. Most puppies open their eyes and respond to noises after about two weeks.

Dogs have a "sixth sense."

In a 2010 poll, 67 percent of pet owners reported their pets acting strangely right before a storm, and 43 percent said their pets behaved oddly right before something bad happened. The top clues? Whining, erratic behavior, or trying to hide in a safe place. There are even reports that dogs can sense illnesses, like cancer.

Dogs only have sweat glands in their paws.

Even though they sweat out through the pads of their paws, their main form of cooling down is panting.

Your dog's feet might smell like corn.

Some pet owners might notice the faint scent of corn chips or popcorn lingering around their dog. This is called "frito feet," and it happens when sweat and bacteria builds up in the paws.

"Dog breath" is actually unhealthy.

You might expect your dog's mouth to smell like, well, dog. But persistent bad breath can actually be a sign of dental disease or other health problems. If you don't already, have your dog's teeth examined by a veterinarian every year.

It's not abnormal for dogs to eat feces.

It's no secret: dogs often eat their own feces (and other fecal matter). But though it might seem gross, the ASPCA says it's perfectly normal, stemming from their pre-domestication days thousands of years ago. More common in puppies, older dogs usually grow out of it, although some do it into adulthood.

A dog's unique smell is secreted in its glands.

And yes, those scent glands are located in their backsides. Dogs are notorious for sniffing one another there, but it's how they identify others and also what they use to mark their territory.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Peer-To-Peer Pet Boarding Marketplace DogVacay Launches Daycare

Have you ever seen a home security video of what dogs do when their owners go to work? I like to imagine that they chill out and celebrate like teenagers whose parents are away, but that’s not usually the case. They typically either mope in the same spot for hours, or anxiously stare at the door waiting for their owner to come home (on special days, this all might be punctuated by antsy moments of ripping up the couch pillows or going through the recycling bin.) It’s a pretty sad sight.

A doggie daycare program could be a good fix, but those things are often so expensive that they can seem like an indulgence — upwards of $45 a day in major metro areas. And it’s not a guarantee that your pooch will have a good time surrounded by 30 to 40 other dogs.

DogVacay, the startup that has been billed as an ‘Airbnb for dogs’, has launched a new solution today with its Daycare product. DogVacay’s core product connects pets with local dogsitters for times when the owner is going away on a trip, and the new Daycare option does the same thing for daily pet boarding, from morning until afternoon or evening. Each DogVacay host sets his or her own price, so the rates vary, but CEO Aaron Hirschhorn said in an interview this week that the average Daycare fee is around $20 a day.

If it all goes well, Hirschhorn says the new product could open up the appetite for pet daycare services in the same way that Uber expanded the market for taxi-like services. “Currently people spend $1 billion a year on dog daycare, but we believe that is just a fraction of the possible market. Most people don’t know it’s available, or don’t have an easy option, or an affordable option,” Hirschhorn said.

And much like Uber or Airbnb, DogVacay is a cheaper option than traditional offerings because the company is a marketplace, not a kennel or dog daycare company itself. “We don’t own real estate, or employ the dogsitters. We connect people who are high quality to each other, take a small fee, and all the other earnings go to the service provider,” Hirschhorn said. DogVacay provides $2 million of liability insurance, covering the customer’s pets and any pets the host has at home.

Daycare seems like it could drastically rev up DogVacay’s revenue and usage numbers, as it opens the door to use DogVacay on a weekly or daily basis, rather than just during weekend trips and vacations. Asked whether Daycare could cause a crunch on the supply and demand side, Hirschhorn said he doesn’t foresee that as an issue. “We’ve had over 130,000 applications for people who want to be hosts throughout the U.S. and Canada, and have accepted just over 20,000,” he said. “We’re continuing to get a lot of interest there, and we’ve been able to stick to our quality standards and our vetting process.” He says the typical DogVacay Daycare host is someone who is a full-time homemaker or works from home, often with a pet of his or her own.

DogVacay, which is based in Los Angeles, has raised a total of $47 million in funding, and has about 85 full-time employees. The Airbnb for pets space is not without competition — Seattle-based dog boarding marketplace Rover has raised a total of $50.9 million

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Friday, November 20, 2015

Can Your Dog Read Your Mind?

13 Astounding Secrets Your Dog Knows About You

Dogs notice when you're sad, mad, or suspicious. They can even detect cancer. Turns out, dogs know more about your emotions and health than you ever suspected.

You're a generous person (or not)

I make judgments about you based on your actions. University of Milan researchers had dogs watch some people sharing food with a beggar and other people telling the beggar to leave. Later, when the individuals beckoned the dogs at the same time, the pups overwhelmingly trotted over to the generous people. 

You don't like someone

When you have negative feelings about a person, I can hear your breathing pattern change, observe your body stiffen slightly, and even smell the subtle pheremones your body emits. So if your in-laws suspect that I don't like them, it may simply be because, um, you don't really like them. 

Where you've been

You humans are like sponges. You pick up volatile organic compounds from everything you walk by or touch. If you just visited, say, the supermarket, I will smell the butcher and fish counters, the food you bought, and maybe even the people you stood next to at checkout. I can smell something 100 million times more subtle than the faintest smell you can pick up. 

You may have cancer

Some of us are being taught to detect different types of cancer by smelling certain chemicals that cancer cells can emit. In some studies, we were 88 percent accurate in detecting breast cancer, and 99 percent accurate in detecting lung cancer. 

You're coming home

Emma Kapotes
We've learned your schedule, and we know roughly when to expect you back at the house each day. But even if you an get home at an odd hour, I can pick out the sound of your particular car coming down the street, and I am always listening for it. 

You've had a fight with your spouse

Even if you don't yell in front of me, I may notice your clipped tone of voice, the fact that neither of you is speaking, the stiffness of your posture, or the agitated way you're walking or opening drawers. Some of us get sick to our stomachs when our owners are bickering. 

You need protection

Do I sleep cuddled up next to your bed instead of in my usual spot when your spouse is out of town? Do I stay closer to your leg than normal when we walk through a dark area? I can smell the adrenaline your body releases when you're scared, and I'm also more vigilant anytime someone in the household is missing. 

You're going on a trip

I hate it when you leave, so I've learned to pick up on all the clues when a departure is imminent--suitcases pulled from the closet or the way you always spread clothes out on your bed. Some of us start to shake and pant because our anxiety spikes. Feel bad? One study found playing classical music for us when we're alone can help us calm down. 

You're a sucker for our puppy dog eyes

Researchers have found that your body releases the hormone oxytocin (the same chemical that's released when you look at your baby) when we make eye contact with you. So there's a reason we gaze at you lovingly when we want something: It works. 

What your intentions are

I can pick up nearly imperceptible signals in your body language--a darting of your eyes or the way you grab the leash--that tell me what you're planning. In one study, dogs were easily able to identify the location of hidden food simply by following a human gaze.

You're not feeling well

We can be trained to sniff out everything from a drop in your blood sugar to a migraine. A growing number of epileptic patients are getting dogs that alert them to a seizure before it happens. In one Hawaiian hospital, dogs sniffed out urinary tract infections in paralyzed patients who couldn't report symptoms. 

Your baby is weak

I know your little one is a member of my pack, and I also know she's the most vulnerable. Because I have a strong instinct to guard my family members, I can be extremely protective. That's why I bark aggressively when someone approaches the stroller and why you should be vigilant if someone is playing with your child while I'm around. (If I mistakenly think she is getting hurt, I may attack.)

You're bummed out

I am a master at reading your body language and emotional state. One study found that I can tell if someone's sad simply by reading facial expressions (even if I'm looking at a photo of just half a face!). I'm also more likely to approach someone who is crying than someone humming or talking, an indication of empathy. 

Sources: Dog trainer Sarah Wilson, author of My Smart Puppy; Patty Khuly, VMD, a veterinarian in Miami, Florida; dog trainer Dina Zaphris, founder of the InSitu Foundation; Laurie Santos, PhD, director of the Canine Cognition Center at Yale University; Stanley Coren, PhD, a psychologist and the author of Do Dogs Dream?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Veterinarian offers advice for keeping your dog safe from canine flu

To prevent the spread of the disease, owners in the area of the current epidemic should temporarily avoid taking their pet to dog parks, doggie daycare or other areas where pets congregate. Credit: Ingimage
With the large outbreak of canine influenza in the Midwest making headlines, many pet owners are understandably worried about the disease. The virus has reportedly sickened more than 1,000 dogs and killed at least five pets in Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana.

Canine influenza, or "dog flu," is caused by a relatively new virus. First documented in racing greyhounds in Florida in 2004, the virus has two known strains: H3N8, which is circulating in North America, and H3N2, found in Asia. The Midwest epidemic is caused by the Asian virus, but because the vast majority of dogs in the United States have never been exposed to either strain—and so have little to no immunity—the disease is highly contagious.

Dog flu spreads via respiratory droplets, either through the air or on contaminated surfaces, clothing or people, and the virus can live for hours. The majority of dogs show symptoms in two to four days, but are most contagious in that window between exposure to the virus and onset of flu symptoms.

Symptoms mimic what we see with the flu in humans: coughing, nasal and eye discharge, sneezing, fever and reduced appetite and energy. About one in five infected dogs will develop potentially life-threatening complications, such as pneumonia, but canine influenza is fatal in less than 10 percent of cases.

Up to 20 percent of dogs exposed to the virus will never show signs of the flu, but they can still shed the virus and infect other dogs. Dog-to-dog transmission can occur easily in boarding facilities, animal shelters, dog parks, grooming salons and other environments where dogs mingle.

If you notice symptoms of canine flu, take your dog to a veterinarian right away. A blood test can confirm the infection. The treatment is often just rest and tempting foods. A vaccine exists for the North American strain, but it's not routinely administered; it doesn't prevent the flu, but instead lessens the severity of the symptoms.

To prevent the spread of the disease, owners in the area of the current H3N2 epidemic should temporarily avoid taking their pet to dog parks, doggie daycare or other areas where pets congregate.

Currently, there is no evidence that canine influenza virus can be transmitted to people. The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that the H3N2 strain has infected cats in Asia, and possibly ferrets and guinea pigs, but there haven't been any such cases reported in the U.S.

source by :

Monday, November 16, 2015

Doggie Training Classes

Our trainers are highly experienced having trained with some of the countries leading dog trainers.  A wealth of experience and qualifications mean they are able to approach each dog as an individual and determine the best training approach for you and your dog.  With trainers having been assessed by the Association of Pet Dog Trainers you can rest assured that modern, kind and effective training methods will be used ensuring an enjoyable experience for dog and owner.

We aim to make all classes enjoyable for both you and more importantly for your dog.  You will be introduced to the clicker during training classes and all classes involve games with your dog to help build a positive relationship with him / her.

You will also be advised on various aspects of responsible dog ownership including; socialising your dog, reading your dogs body language (think dog!), having fun with your dog, coping with a new addition etc. 

Classes run during a Monday daytime and on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.  Prices are £50 for a 6 week Puppy or Adult Starter course each lesson is one hour and the price includes a clicker and starter pack.   Progression courses are £40 for an 8 week course each lesson lasts for 45 minutes.  See below for the next available start date.

We have a large purpose training area and 2 experienced trainers available in each class to ensure you will get plenty of individual attention in a relaxed atmosphere.


Puppy                                           10.15am - 11.15am              Next Course - 30/11/15
Adult Starter                                11.30am - 12.30pm              Next Course - 23/11/15
KC Silver / Gold                              1.15pm - 2.00pm
KC Bronze                                        2.00pm - 2.45pm
Dancing with Dogs                         3.00pm - 3.45pm
Rally Intermediate                          4.00pm - 4.45pm    
Rally Progression                             5.00pm - 5.45pm


Puppy                                                   6.30pm - 7.30pm           Next Course - 05/01/16
Adult Starter                                       7.30pm - 8.30pm           Next Course - 05/01/16


KC Bronze                                               6.30 - 7.15pm              
Rally Intermediate                                 7.15 - 8.00pm
Rally Beginner                                         8.00 - 8.45pm              Next course - 06/01/16


KC Silver / Gold                                         6.30 - 7.15pm
Dancing with Dogs Intermediate            7.15 - 8.00pm
Dancing with Dogs Beginner                    8.00 - 8.45pm

To reserve your place on the course please contact us or complete the enrolment form below and return it to us with a £10 deposit