Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why need send your doggie to daycare sometimes

Why send your dog to daycare
It is an excellent alternative to staying home alone while the family goes to work or school. At Gulliver’s Doggie Daycare your dog will have the opportunity to play and socialize with other dogs. As a result, your dog will be more comfortable around other dogs. Activity level at Gulliver’s Doggie Daycare will also help eliminate “boredom behavior” such as chewing and barking.  After a day at Gulliver’s, most dogs are happy to settle in and snooze through the night.

Daycare can be a great solution for dogs:

1. Who have high energy
2. Who are lonely
3. Who have separation anxiety
4. Who are destructive when home alone
5. Who need special attention
6. Who need some confidence building
7. Or anyone else who needs to release some energy, be social, and have fun.

What a dog does at daycare
Dogs are allowed to be dogs!  They can explore the various playground toys, bounce around with their buddies, or maybe take a dip in one of the pools.We discourage behaviors such as constant barking, rough (unsafe) play, and jumping up. In a play-group, we practice simple sits, and coming to their name with each dog.  We can give medications, lunch (if you choose to send one), trim nails, and clean ears for free while your dog is with us. We can also accommodate special needs.

Where will my dog play?
We have an acre of land here divided into four yards.  All of our yards have special dog playground equipment (such as a pirate ship, pyramids, and a clubhouse!) and pools in the summer months. Fresh water and shade are always available.

Who will my dog play with?
Your dog’s group is decided based on size and temperament. All play groups are supervised.  Every dog is different and some dogs may take longer to adjust to playing in a group environment.  At Gulliver’s every dog’s introduction is customized with the dog’s safety and comfort in mind.  We will observe your pup for any signs of discomfort or nervousness.  After your dog has had a chance to acclimate to the new environment, we will introduce him/her to a few calm friendly dogs.  If that goes well we will introduce him/her to one of our main groups.  If they don’t seem completely comfortable we will back up, give them more time, and try again later.  We encourage owners to call as many times as they would like to check on their dog’s progress. Examples of our groups are:

1. The Little Guys: Our smaller breed dogs who play in a yard built especially for them.
2. The Goofy Group: Our special collection of outgoing, energetic, and usually adolescent dogs.
3. The Big Yard: Our mature dogs who appreciate a more “sophisticated socialization.”
4. The Puppy Group: puppies, usually under six months
5. And smaller more individualized groups

Dirty Dog? No problem!
Since most dogs find that the best play often involves getting at least a bit dirty, clean up is FREE at Gulliver’s. Just let us know when you plan to pick up your pooch, and we will have them rinsed and towel dried for the ride home. If a more thorough cleansing is desired, request a bath for pick up! For just $10, we can have your dog shampooed and dry when you get here.

When can my dog start?
We accept dogs four months and older who have completed their puppy vaccination series (DHLPP), and have received their Rabies, Bordatella, and Canine Influenza vaccinations. The Bordatella and Canine Influenza vaccinations may need to be requested from your vet as it is not always given as part of your dogs core vaccines. All shots must be kept current to come to Gulliver’s.  Annual or bi-annual fecal checks and Lyme vaccinations are recommended, but not required.  Males over six months of age must be neutered.


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